Balloon ride - Sesriem, Namibia
There are times in life you just need to say yes to something, just because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, even though it comes at a price (literally this time!). For us, a balloon ride over the Namib dessert was one of those.

In the early stages of planning our trip we looked at some spectacular activities that we could add to our trip throughout this year. We decided we would rather do something big and out of this world once, instead of combining several smaller activities over time. Ballooning over the Namib dessert stood out and we knew we really wanted to do it, as we felt we would regret it big time for the rest four lives if we would drive, watching balloons going overhead. We have never done anything like it before, it is an awesome location, and to us, it definitely falls under the category “are you out of your mind - wow!”. So …….. long story short, we booked and paid, then kept it to ourselves, hush hush.
Two days before flying, or should I say gliding?, we told the girls, who nearly popped their eyeballs out of their sockets from surprise…. and a bit of fear possibly. A jaw dropping moment, followed by nervous giggling by all four of us.
Meeting point is 20 kn out of Series, at 5.50am. Alarm buzzer at 4.45am, to get up, have a quick bite and pack up the tents to be at the park gate at 5.20am latest. Driving in the dark is not advised but, in this case the only option and we are driving with 5 other cars.
It is busy! More people together since we were at the airport three weeks ago. Four balloons go up and we are in “the big one”, carrying 16 people in our basket.
The whole morning is a wonderful experience . The morning calm, the sun slowly coming up and lighting up the take off site. In only 10 minutes the site changes from a flat desert area into a sea of color, with ballons filling up without air blown in by fans an finally the gas burners. Our take off is as light as can be, gentle and and almost unnoticeable. Off we go, airborne! Ground staff waving and getting smaller while the view is getting bigger and bigger. Both girls need some time to adjust and become comfortable with the idea of flying in a basket!! Who can blame them, really! All four balloons are up in the air and it is simply wonderful to look down on them while flying, with the arid and red dessert and dunes in their background. I need some time to take it all in, stop filming and taking photo’s. I decide to “just” look, listen and enjoy!
Time flies and before we know it, we approach the end of the valley. The red dunes are getting closer and brighter with the sun rising. We are descending and a herd of oryx’s become visible below us, easy to spot with their long shadows stretching over the sand. We are being prepared for landing, which will include some bumping, while we hold on in brace position, preparing for our basket to tip-over. Elke is smiling, this is the excitement she is waiting for, action time
With both feet on the ground, we enjoy a champagne breakfast, again somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
A memorable morning, which will be spoken about many times in the future because f its bizar and indescribable feeling.
Love Namibia