11th Sept. '22 - Namibia

It was cold when we arrived on the 16th August 2022. Cape Town treated us with glory grey skies and drizzling moments, making us realize that we were not yet ready to start camping and be warm and comfy at night! In the first few days we collected gloves, hats, blankets and thermals. Pre-holiday packing days are always a bit hectic and some of us left jumpers and/or pants at home that would have been perfect additions to the evening camping outfit in a South African winter.
We started our camping days in Cederberg, South Africa, on the Algeria campsite. It was freezing cold so all available fabrics (including trendy long-Johns!) that could add a degree or two to our blue lips and icy cold boes were dug out of our bags . worn and covered oer with a blanket, before our heads went into hiding in our mummy sleeping bags.
Cederberg was also the start of naturally developing routines for when we set, and break up camp.
Adoption goes in phases and phase one priority for the girls was not setting up camp, folding tents, cooking meals or making beds. Neither was it starting campfire, (and finishing!) , boiling water for tea or doing groceries, laundry planning tomorrow's route etc etc. It takes time ....... sometimes more than mum and dad would like but ..... patience us essential, because with time the girls have adapted and they are fully involved in supporting all the topics mentioned above.
Now 4 weeks in, both of them canon-fold the roof tents, they can get the fire going quickly and use the stove to boil water for a well deserved cup of tea at the end of a long, bouncy and dusty day on the road (now that everybody knows where the tea is kept!) - no names mentioned here, arum!)
Talks around the campfire are often about the past day and the upcoming route and choices for destinations to come. "Shall we push and make extra miles or stay a day longer and chill?" Every choice has consequences and we are making them smoother and quicker together.
Mijke enjoys helping out with cooking and setting up camp. Elke is more into making fire and climbing on the roof to set up the tents. It certainly has made mum and dad's life easier and consequently we do things quicker, which leaves more time for fun stuff (or necessary schoolwork - both cool and boring!)
Bessie our land cruiser is the beginning and the end of our camping success, providing us with everything need. Water tank, kitchen, fridge, tents, chairs, and a massive drawer with provisions.
We just finished two fabulous nights at Spitzkoppe camp site, which is a recommendation for anyone visiting Namibia. Boulders resembling the bugle bungles (close to Uluru - Australia), though these you can climb for an unforgettable sunrise or sunset.