Let's start with the understatement of the year; moving is not a lot of fun!
Yet, moving is a reality in our lives, which returns with a certain regularity. Looking back over the last 22 years, we have moved house 11 times and within that period we swapped countries 6 times. Our belongings have been inside container ships and on the back of lorries for quite some added time and if tracked it would show a myriad of lines over the worlds oceans and roads. And now, May 2022, we are in the middle of planning our biggest move yet, number 12 and country exit/ entry 7!
Needless to say, there are quite some documents and papers to be filled out, selling lists to be compiled, police checks and tax papers to be gathered and change of addresses to be sent and shared with the various insurance, pension, banking institutions as well as anyone else who wants/ needs to send us mail!.
Moving countries adds an extra social and emotional dimension. As you will close the door of what you called home for many years, right on the last day of your home away from home stint, leaving behind your empty and cold feeling apartment, and knowing you will step on a plane very soon, leaving the friends and colleagues you have become so close with behind, you will have "a moment" ! We always say "there are no goodbyes" though, in reality, at such a moment, closing that door feels like a goodbye, an end to an era. Certainly in these times, and much more than ever before, traveling back to meet each other is an unsure business due to the ever changing travel restrictions. In our world of international work and living, we all know this reality though dealing with it remains tough at times and you never get used to it. The people you are closest with, we consider "our chosen family" , and we do look after each other.
Our children have made friendships for life, have grown fond of Thailand, which they call home. As third culture kids, home is where the front door is, and so it changes and it doesn't. Our girls have lived only outside The Netherlands after they set foot into this world, for both of them, this was in the amazing city of Berlin. The upcoming move is probably the first they will truly experience at a level where they can comprehend the impact, understand what lies ahead and remember the gems of experiences they will take with them.
Wrapping up work and school, living life to the fullest until the last day on this magical and tropical island full of smiles and kindness, while prepping a year on road, that is our present reality and we will enjoy it to the very last day, and beyond.
We posted a video of one of the lasts weekends away in Phi Phi Don, a 1,5 hour boat ride away from Phuket. It displays some of the magic we have been fortunate enough to experience during our full 5 years here, both above and under water. Colors as bright as the feathers on a peacock and an underwater world fully vibrant, clear and alive with fish and other sea creators. The seas, as green as the color of the most gorgeous smaragd and skies so blue as glacier ice! Mesmerizing pretty, time and time again. Certainly something we will miss having as our backyard!
Duty calls, work to do! Find a buyer for my truck, make an appointment with the dentist and put the finishes touches on the last few Sports day's that are coming up soon.
Hmmm, I wonder what the views we will have next year!